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School May Be Out, But Health and Wellness Are in For Kids This Summer

Summer vacation is almost here, but for many kids, it’s easy to stay inactive until September. Current research estimates that children spend approximately 7-1/2 hours per day in front of the TV or computer screen, and only about one-third are getting the recommended one hour of physical activity per day. Combined with the sugary drinks and junk foods that kids like to snack on, this can be a recipe for health problems and bad habits later on in life.
Fortunately, there are solutions that parents can take to keep their kids healthy and active during the summer months. If you want to get your kids off the couch and outside, here are three easy steps you can take to ensure that your children stay active this summer:
1. Make time for the outdoors as a family. One of the best ways to boost a kids fitness routine is to set a good example yourself. Make sure that on weeknights and/or weekends you and your children get some time outdoors. Play a game of kickball or basketball at home, or take a walk around the neighborhood. Days off are the perfect opportunity to head to the beach for some swimming or go hiking at a local park. Not only will this get your children to enjoy physical activity, but it will also produce quality time spent together as a family.
2. Sign up for team sports. Check out your local town or city organizations to see if they sponsor any sports programs for kids. Kickball, soccer, football, basketball, and other summer fun activities are a great way to get the kids off the couch and outside. In addition to learning a new skill and staying active, kids will also enjoy making new friends while discovering the importance of teamwork.
3. Have your children attend summer camps for kids. Summer camps, which can be both daytime or sleep-away kids camps, are another option for the summer. Many day programs have a focus on kids nutrition in addition to fitness, and they range in setting from camps in wooded areas by the water to beach camps in warmer environments. Some summer camps are also designed for kids to stay in for a week or more, so children can enjoy an entire outdoor experience that they’ll remember for years to come.
What will you do to keep your kids interested in fitness and the outdoors this summer? Tell us in the comments below.