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How About a River Raft Trip Through the Grand Canyon?

What are you doing to connect with your children? What are you doing to remind them of what life can be like without the constant interruption of cell phones, social media updates, and binge television watching? If you are looking for an outdoor adventure that can help you reconnect with your children, river raft trips through parts of the Grand Canyon may be just what you need. A family time to be with each other, cell phones are discouraged, is especially attractive to family with teenagers and college age children. Remind your children what it is like when you have to talk to people to navigate forces greater than yourselves, sleep under the stars with nothing but the night sounds of the canyon, and spend time with your real family instead of your online “friends” and “followers.”
Grand Canyon white water rafting trips offer participants the immense beauty of a world your children will not find on their computer screens or smart phones. The crash of the rapids will drown out any song a personal playlist could create, and provide the immediate gratification of a physical exercise that rafting trips in the Grand Canyon require.
Considered as one of the “Must Visit in a Lifetime” destinations, the Grand Canyon is so vast and so varied that no one trip could tell its entire story. Though widely considered one of the world’s most spectacular canyons, the Grand Canyon is neither the world’s longest or deepest gorge. Its average depth is about one mile and it forces its 277 miles of length along its sinuous path. With the help of experienced raft guides, your family can enjoy a single day adventure or a multi-day trip that includes tent camping and cooking beside a campfire.
Instead of shoving more “stuff” into boxes under the Christmas tree this year, why not take your family on an outdoor adventure they will not soon forget? Giving the gift of your time as well, make this holiday season the first time in many when your teenagers and college age students unplug from their mobile devices and tune into time with their family. Time with nature. Time with beauty. And, time on river raft trips they won’t soon forget.
What are you waiting for? By scheduling river raft trips for your family, you can give your children a history lesson they won’t soon forget. Let them see up close the Colorado River as it cuts through schist, a type of metamorphic rock that is 1.75 billion years old. Traveling through this physical wonder that was created nearly 5 million years ago, nearly half the age of the Earth, Grand Canyon river raft trips will help you create an adventure your family will ask to repeat in their own lifetime.