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Support the Minneapolis Twins!

Are you a baseball fan? If you live in Minnesota or the upper Midwest, the Twins are your local team! Get your hands on some Minneapolis Twins gear and start supporting your team today!
The Twins MN are one of the oldest baseball teams in the US and have been delighting fans for almost 120 years. They have been a part of Midwestern culture for over 50 years since they came to Minnesota in 1960. We would like to think that they have found a much happier home with more enthusiastic fans here in Minneapolis than in Washington, DC. Help us show them that this is true with some new Twins apparel.
If you live in or ever come to Minneapolis to cheer for the Twins MN in person, you will need something to help show your spirit. You never want your team playing in the middle of a sea of the colors of the other team. Find a Twins apparel retailer on the internet and come prepared to the next game! Or, when you are in Minneapolis, there are plenty of stores that sell all the gear you need. Explore the city and see what you can find!
If you have actual twins, why not dress them in matching Twins MN jerseys? Maybe you will even be featured on the Jumbotron with your children. Your family will certainly enjoy it.
However long you have been in the area or been a fan, whatever your age or gender, there is something for you. From jerseys to stickers to novelty items, there is gear for any level of dedication. Whether you will be celebrating game day at home with your friends and family or in Minneapolis, it is time to start getting ready for another season of supporting the Twins MN!