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Three Interesting Summer Camp Ideas to Look Into

Updated 4/1/2021
If you want your child to attend 2021 summer camp, it’s never too early to start looking for a good camp for your child. The summer camp you pick should offer the kinds of opportunities that your child is interested in. It may be an academic sleepaway camp or one devoted to sports or simply to the outdoors. Whatever your child is interested in, make sure he will be engaged in the activities before you choose a summer camp. The summer camp you pick should also go well with your child’s age group.
So, when does summer camp start? Every summer camp is different, but most start a week or two after school lets out for the summer. Be sure to apply long before the start date so that you can research the camp and get a spot for your child. If it will be an academic camp, it can help your child to spend that in-between time brushing up on a subject. If it is a camp that prioritizes physical activity, make sure your child gets into good condition before camp starts. When your child is well-prepared for summer camp, they will have an easier time getting used to it.
Kids wait all year long in anticipation of summer vacation, but all too often when it finally arrives the novelty of “just hanging out” begins to wear off. If your children are driving you crazy with the dreaded “I’m bored” refrain, one of the go-to parent solutions is enrolling your kids in summer camp. Gone are the days where summer camp always means sleeping in bunks, playing in tether-ball, and doing boondoggle. There are many unique summer camp options to look into that are sure to keep your kids occupied and having new adventures. Check out some of these interesting prospects.
#1. Robotics Camp
If you have kids who like to build, are competitive and are electronically inclined, they may enjoy attending robotics camp. In robotics camp, depending on age level, kids get a mixture of building with their hands and using software to bring their creations to life. Not only are many kids fascinated by robots, a robotics camp teaches kids lifelong skills that they can carry with them through school and potentially to their future careers. Many robotics camps still offer some of the staple summer camp activities like outdoor athletics.
#2. Sports Camp
In 2012 only 42% of kids between the ages of 12 and 15 got an adequate amount of cardiovascular exercise. Instead of staying cooped up this summer, nurture your child’s athletic ability through signing him or her up for an athletic camp. There are general camps that cater to many aspects of a particular sport, and then there are also more specialized camps such as goalie camps. This is also a great way for your child to build athletic skills during the off-season so they are prepped for when the season kicks off.
#3. Martial Arts Karate Training Camp
Karate and other martial arts are great for kids in many ways. From teaching them about discipline and self-defense as well as getting them great exercise, martial arts karate training camps benefit kids in many ways. Parents of young children may think their child is not old enough for something so physically taxing; however, it is not atypical for kids to begin martial arts karate training around the age of five or six. Some example camps to check out to determine if a karate camp would be appropriate for your child include Columbia Maryland and Howard county martial arts camps and Howard county before and after school program. The Columbia Maryland and Howard county summer camp program offers several options to check out such as the Wilde Lake karate summer camp Howard county.
The typical child nowadays spends about seven and a half hours each day looking at a screen–be it the TV, hand-held devices or a computer screen. Consider giving them something active to do this summer that will enrich their bodies and/or minds through a summer camp experience. For any additional camp ideas, leave your thoughts!