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3 Camping Supplies Every Successful Trip Will Include

Camping is one of the most popular vacation and leisure activities in the United States and doesn’t show any signs of stopping. In fact, three million more Americans went camping in 2012 than in 2010. It’s a great opportunity to enjoy the outdoors and get away from the hustle-and-bustle of the every day modern lifestyle. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran, or first-time camper there are a few camping supplies you’re going to want to remember to bring with you. Camping equipment is a $1.8 billion industry in the United States. On top of the essential necessities every camping checklist should have (toothbrush, water, food..) here are three important camping needs to make turn a good trip into a great one.
1.) Activities and Sports Equipment: Even if you’re not the athletic type, camping is the perfect time to get some physical exercise and participate in sports. There is plenty of space and usually plenty of neighboring campers to get a game or contest going. If you want to be one of the most popular sites in the campground be sure to pack a Frisbee, football, soccer ball, and whatever other activities and games that suit your fancy. Don’t worry, 84% of campers participate in multiple outdoor activities so you’re bound to find interest no matter what you choose. You could include adventure gear such as a GoPro camera and mountain bike if you really want to get daring.
2.) Variety of Clothing: No matter what you can never bring enough clothing options. Not in terms of style, for camping supplies you need functionality. Regardless of the time of year and location you’re going to want to bring clothes for virtually any type of weather. Mother nature can be a fickle thing and the last you want is to be caught in a tent during a rain or snowstorm with nothing to keep you warm. Or, in a colder environment you might get a nice day where you’ll be longing for more adventure clothing like shorts and a t-shirt. Just keep in mind, you can always choose not to wear something, but once you leave it’s much harder to find clothes out in the wild.
3.) Flashlights: This might seem like camping supplies common sense, and it should be. That doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be reinforced though. Flashlights will be your best friend when stumbling out of a tent in the pitch dark to make a trip to the latrine. Also, make sure to bring a spare set of batteries (or two).