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Just because basketball season is over, doesn’t mean the fun and excitement has to end. In fact, giving custom gifts for basketball coaches and athletes is the perfect way to keep the heat and excitement of competition alive off the court. Not only do custom gifts make great sports gifts, but they’re the perfect way to hold basketball athletes, coaches, and fans over until next season kicks off.
If you’re feeling a little stuck for gift ideas, don’t worry. The possibilities are endless in terms of creating personalized basketball gifts! A good place to find inspiration is to consider the likes and dislikes, or personal preferences, of the gift’s recipient or recipients. If you’re giving a custom basketball gift to only one person, you may have a bit more “wiggle room” in terms of creativity. However, if you’re giving the same personalized basketball gift to multiple people, it’s best to stick with a simple design that will appeal to everyone.
For example, custom or personalized basketball gear, such as basketball team socks, custom team shirts, hooded sweatshirts, and jackets are a fun way to rock team pride. In addition, they’re a favorite among both players and fans alike. Basketball team socks are not only fun to wear, but they’re practical as well. Or, you can choose a thicker material and they can be worn as big, warm, and cozy socks while you’re cuddled up on the coach watching the game next season.
Basketball and spending a day at the beach may seem like they don’t have much in common, however, you can combine your life for basketball with your love of having fun in the sun by designing personalized basketball beach towels! They’re a fun way to showcase your team pride while kicking back and catching some rays. The best part? They’re easy to design!
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Summer is coming, and people will be planning their holiday travel. Some people will go camping in the mountains, others will seek out the relaxing ocean breezes. While everyone knows there are countless activities to participate in when camping, they may not be aware of all the fun things to do on a beach vacation. With that in mind, here are some exciting things to do when visiting the beach.
One of the best ways to get some physical activity on vacation is renting a bike at the beach. Bike rentals are often inexpensive, and allow vacationers to explore their new surroundings while enjoying the balmy summer weather. By renting a bike, vacationers can go shopping and dining out without worrying about parking, making it easier to run to the store if they forget their beach essentials.
Of course, not everyone enjoys being so active on vacation. One of the most popular things to do on a beach vacation is sunbathing. While some people make do with a towel, others may prefer a comfortable lounge chair. Of course, the size of a chair makes them fairly inconvenient to pack for vacation. Fortunately, many beaches offer beach chair rentals for discerning vacationers to be comfortable.
If water activities are more your style, you have chosen the right vacation destination in the beach! In addition to swimming, surfing, and collecting shells, many beaches offer vacationers the opportunity to go parasailing, snorkeling, or jet skiing. Some beach destinations even offer scuba lessons!
While these are all exciting activities, this list is only a small sample of the enjoyable things to do on a beach vacation. Whether you prefer sunbathing or wakeboarding, the beach has something for everyone! Talk to your family and travel agent to plan an itinerary of exciting vacation activities so that you can get the most out of your trip.
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Things are a lot different nowadays. Sure, the advent of the internet and mobile technology has completely revolutionized the ways in which we work, do business, and even get better, however, it’s also come with a downfall: a more sedentary lifestyle.
Inactivity, along with poor diet, has led to record-breaking rates and incidences of chronic illnesses such as early childhood obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and even cardiovascular and heart disease. In fact, many doctors and health specialist have expressed concerned that the younger generations may not even outlive their parents.
The First Lady, Michelle Obama, felt so passionately about findings ways to educate the public about the dangers of early childhood obesity that she created the “Let’s Move!” campaign and even re-structured the classic — yet terribly outdated — food pyramid in order to help families get children active.
Getting children active and away from their favorite mobile device or video game can be a challenge, however, a gymnastic class for kids is an exciting activity that many young children, teens, and young adults enjoy. After all, what child doesn’t like to run, jump, and roll? Gymnastics classes provide the perfect and safe opportunity for children to do so!
A gymnastic class for kids can be found at your local gymnastics academy or gymnastics and dance academy. Typically, gymnastics for boys and girls is offered at many different skill levels, from amateur to skilled, allowing children and young teens of all ages to get involved in a class they are comfortable with, and which meets their skill level.
There are so many benefits of gymnastic classes, including increased strength, stamina, balance, and hand-eye coordination. In addition, it can help children lose and maintain a healthy weight for their stature. In addition, gymnastic classes have plenty of emotional and mental benefits, such as increased self esteem and reduced stress.
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Runners have always captivated Americans. From Jesse Owens to Allyson Felix, runners are some of the most revered athletes not just in this country but throughout the world. There are millions of runners in the United States alone. In fact, in 2012 it is estimated that more than 57 million Americans ran or jogged at least once. More than that, approximately 500,000 Americans participate in a marathon every year. Americans, it seems, can’t stay still.
Why is running so addictive? Well, if anything, running is excellent for your health. Running has been shown to dampen or even block the effects of aging. Among other things, running for 45 minutes a day can reduce one’s blood pressure by 10-12 mgs. Running can also reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease by as much as 60%! Those are just a few of the extraordinary benefits running offers your body.
Running is so popular in the U.S., in fact, that an entire industry has develop to cater to runners. Personalized gifts for runners offer a plethora of products that any true runner would appreciate. From practical gifts like running shoes and socks to more specialized items like running jewelry and decals, personalized gifts for runners are sure to brighten a runner’s day.
Why not treat that special runner (a co-worker, a friend, a relative, a partner, etc.) with their very own customized runners beer mugs? What runner wouldn’t want runners headbands with their initials on it? With running gifts, you can show just how much you care about the runners in your life and their sport of choice. Gifts for a runner come in all shapes and sizes; there’s bound to be at least something that will catch your eye.
What do you think about personalized gifts for runners? Do you want to see other items besides the ones mentioned here? Feel free to leave a comment or question at the bottom.
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Soccer is a sport that millions of Americans watch and play, especially the youth. Although soccer may not be as popular in the U.S. as football, hockey, or basketball, it is still very much played around the country. Youth soccer leagues and high school teams in particular are widely popular. More than 8,200 youth soccer leagues exist in the U.S. with age groups as young as elementary school age all the way through adolescence and teenage years. In general, American high school students love to play sports. In 2013 alone, approximately 7.7 million students played on at least one high school sports teams. Moreover, nearly three out of every five American kids play sports outside of school. Just like the adult population, America’s youth loves their sports.
For high school and college students who play soccer, there are many opportunities available that can take their athletic devotion to an even higher level. International soccer tours and tournaments present a wonderful opportunity for students to both play soccer and travel the world. There are many soccer tournaments exclusively catered to younger, non-professional leagues. The Donosti Cup, for example, hosts 400 teams from over 20 countries in San Sebastian, Spain. Soccer players from ages 12 to 19 can participate in the games. When they are not playing, they can explore the city or swim in the gorgeous beaches. It is even possible to arrange excursion trips to Barcelona, Madrid, or Paris! Soccer tours to Spain, among many other countries in Europe, Asia, and Central and South America, will truly be an experience of a lifetime for young, aspiring student soccer players.
International sports tours are a lot of fun for everyone involved, not the least of whom the adult coaches and chaperones who go on these trips! Do you have any questions about international student soccer tournaments? Feel free to leave a question or comment at the bottom.
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Now that the new year is well under way, now is a great time to stop and take a moment to evaluate how you’re coming along with your resolution to get fit and stay active. If you’ve fallen off the wagon, don’t beat yourself up too bad. A little bit is expected, however, a positive can-do attitude goes along way in terms of achieving your fitness goals. Just remember, tomorrow is a new day and new opportunity to start fresh.
While the majority of Americans make New Year’s resolutions related to heath, fitness, and overall wellness, very few are actually successful in achieving their goals. While there are a number of reasons for this, a common reason is approach. Health and fitness are lifestyle changes, not simply a way to squeeze into your bikini for summer. Remember, a negative approach will yield negative results.
So why not shake things up a bit — literally. Moving or shaking your body, whether it be through adult gymnastic classes or by dancing, are fun and effective ways to burn calories and keep the weight off. The best thing about both activities is that their fun, and don’t make you feel as though you are working out. By taking this approach, you’re more likely to reach your fitness goals.
Taking a class at a gymnastics and dance academy offers several physical and emotion benefits. A dance or gymnastic class for kids offers many of the same benefits as a dance or gymnastic classes for adults.
Benefits of gymnastic classes or even dance classes, aside from burning calories, include increase physical stamina ans strength, better posture, increased flexibility, and the support of working with a team. You’re more likely to stay on track towards reaching your fitness goals by having the support of others. This provides a sense of accountability as well as safety.
So why wait? Enroll for a class today at your local gymnastics and dance academy.
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Updated 4/1/2021
If you want your child to attend 2021 summer camp, it’s never too early to start looking for a good camp for your child. The summer camp you pick should offer the kinds of opportunities that your child is interested in. It may be an academic sleepaway camp or one devoted to sports or simply to the outdoors. Whatever your child is interested in, make sure he will be engaged in the activities before you choose a summer camp. The summer camp you pick should also go well with your child’s age group.
So, when does summer camp start? Every summer camp is different, but most start a week or two after school lets out for the summer. Be sure to apply long before the start date so that you can research the camp and get a spot for your child. If it will be an academic camp, it can help your child to spend that in-between time brushing up on a subject. If it is a camp that prioritizes physical activity, make sure your child gets into good condition before camp starts. When your child is well-prepared for summer camp, they will have an easier time getting used to it.
Kids wait all year long in anticipation of summer vacation, but all too often when it finally arrives the novelty of “just hanging out” begins to wear off. If your children are driving you crazy with the dreaded “I’m bored” refrain, one of the go-to parent solutions is enrolling your kids in summer camp. Gone are the days where summer camp always means sleeping in bunks, playing in tether-ball, and doing boondoggle. There are many unique summer camp options to look into that are sure to keep your kids occupied and having new adventures. Check out some of these interesting prospects.
#1. Robotics Camp
If you have kids who like to build, are competitive and are electronically inclined, they may enjoy attending robotics camp. In robotics camp, depending on age level, kids get a mixture of building with their hands and using software to bring their creations to life. Not only are many kids fascinated by robots, a robotics camp teaches kids lifelong skills that they can carry with them through school and potentially to their future careers. Many robotics camps still offer some of the staple summer camp activities like outdoor athletics.
#2. Sports Camp
In 2012 only 42% of kids between the ages of 12 and 15 got an adequate amount of cardiovascular exercise. Instead of staying cooped up this summer, nurture your child’s athletic ability through signing him or her up for an athletic camp. There are general camps that cater to many aspects of a particular sport, and then there are also more specialized camps such as goalie camps. This is also a great way for your child to build athletic skills during the off-season so they are prepped for when the season kicks off.
#3. Martial Arts Karate Training Camp
Karate and other martial arts are great for kids in many ways. From teaching them about discipline and self-defense as well as getting them great exercise, martial arts karate training camps benefit kids in many ways. Parents of young children may think their child is not old enough for something so physically taxing; however, it is not atypical for kids to begin martial arts karate training around the age of five or six. Some example camps to check out to determine if a karate camp would be appropriate for your child include Columbia Maryland and Howard county martial arts camps and Howard county before and after school program. The Columbia Maryland and Howard county summer camp program offers several options to check out such as the Wilde Lake karate summer camp Howard county.
The typical child nowadays spends about seven and a half hours each day looking at a screen–be it the TV, hand-held devices or a computer screen. Consider giving them something active to do this summer that will enrich their bodies and/or minds through a summer camp experience. For any additional camp ideas, leave your thoughts!
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Though personalized gifts for runners may not seem like a thriving business, the fact is there are millions of runners in the United States that would absolutely love these kinds of gifts. Fifty-seven million Americans run or jog at least once every year. More than 500,000 Americans participate in a marathon every year as well, and there are over 2,000 annual half-marathons and 15,000 5K marathons to choose from. From runners recovery sandals to running jewelry, there is no shortage of gifts for gift-givers to choose from — much like there is no shortage of runners to receive them!
What runner wouldn’t, for example, love his or her very own runners ID bands? ID bands are a must for any serious runner, so why not give that special someone personalized ID bands for the big race? If ID bands aren’t “personal” enough, how about running necklaces? Although these necklaces aren’t designed to be worn during the race, they are perfect for many other occasions. Show your pride for running with necklaces with “26.2” (the number of miles in a marathon) brazened in the locket.
If jewelry isn’t something your special someone will not like, how about something like running decals? Specialized running decals are perfect for runners who love running as well as their car! Nothing says you are dedicated to running like a giant foot on the side of your car. If decals aren’t your cup of tea as well, you can always look into runners LED lights. LED lights are perfect for runners who like to run at night. With LED lights attached to the runner’s body, drivers and pedestrians alike can look out for runners during poor visibility.
There are a number of other gift ideas for runners, all equally spectacular as they are unique. No matter what, though, runners gifts will be sure to brighten the day of a runner you happen to know and care about.
What do you think about running gifts like runners ID bands and runners LED lights? Feel free to leave a comment or question at the bottom.
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Many runners maintain variations of the same thought: that running is 10% physical and 90% mental. In other words, runners need a mental clarity and focus in order to endure long stretches of running. Though it might be a stretch to suggest that running is only 10% physical (running a marathon, for example, puts tremendous strain on the body), running is in fact heavily dependent on focus and determination. It is for this reason why running is so popular, not just in the United States but throughout the world.
Running — both competitively and non-competitively, both by yourself or in a group — has a solid fan base in the United States. In 2012, nearly 57 million Americans ran or jogged at least once. That same year, more than 15,000 5K races were held. Those are big numbers to reckon with! Running in the United States hasn’t lost any traction (no pun intended).
There are millions of running enthusiasts who love everything about the sport. For them, there are special gifts one can give to show just how much that person cares about the runner and their love of running. Personalized gifts for runners is an up-and-coming industry that caters to the wants and wishes of runners. From runners safety lights and runners recover sandals to runners mugs and runners touch screen gloves, running gifts will be sure to impress that special someone who loves to run. Chances are you know at least one person in your life that takes up running. Whether it’s your coworker or your girlfriend, there are a lot of people who would absolutely adore these gifts.
Runners come from all backgrounds, creeds, nationalities, genders, races, and religions. What keeps them together is their love for one of the most universal physical activities on Earth. From runners safety lights to running tattoos, personalized gift for runners are sure to be a hit to the runners who receive them.
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Each year, approximately 43 million Americans head to the wilderness to camp out, and that number is steadily increasing. Between 2010 and 2012, another three million Americans joined in the fun of going camping. But whether you’re roughing it in the woods or living it up in a cabin, you’ll need plenty of camping gear in order to make your trip the getaway you need.
No matter where or when you’re going camping, here are just a few things to add to your camping checklist when you look for camping supplies at your local adventure gear store.
1. Tent: Unless you plan on staying in a cabin or sleeping under the stars, a tent should be your number one item on your camping checklist. Camping tents come in all sizes, so be sure to pick one with the right capacity for you and your fellow campers but also one that is portable, especially if you will be hiking to your campsite. If you’re a camping novice, make sure to choose a tent that is fairly easy for you to set up.
2. Sleeping Bags: In order to stay comfortable and warm in the evening, a sleeping bag is invaluable for just about any camper. If you’re sleeping outside of a tent, you may need something waterproof in case of rain. Above all, make sure that both comfort and portability are available to you in your sleeping bag choices.
3. Backpacks: If hiking is part of your camping trip, make sure that you have the right backpacking gear for your trip. As many as 84% of campers will participate in more than one outdoor activity, and hiking is among the most popular choices. A good camping backpack should be able to hold everything you need and not weigh you down.
4. Flashlights and Other Safety Gear: Nobody wants to get lost in the woods at night without a light source to guide them, so make sure you have a flashlight and plenty of batteries packed. In addition to a flashlight, you’ll also want to remember supplies like a first aid kit in case of an emergency. Camping is fun, but you also need to remember safety for you and your friends or family.
5. Cookware and Food: Finally, if you’re heading into the great outdoors, make sure you have enough food for your trip, along with something to cook it in. Even if you plan on hunting or fishing during your camping trip, you should be sure to pack foods that won’t spoil easily and will give you enough energy for your outdoor activities. Trail mix, for instance, is a popular choice among campers. Also, don’t forget to stay hydrated with plenty of water in your canteen.
Want to know what else you should include on your camping checklist? Visit your local sporting goods store today to find out what else you might need. You can also leave a comment below. More like this.
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