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Do you have a spa, pool, or hot tub at your home? Almost 21 million households in the United States had these by the spring of 2014, and they continue to be a popular home addition. If you’re planning to purchase a spa or hot tub in the near future, then you may want to learn about the costs associated with operating them and other important information, such as their health benefits.
The Costs Associated with Hot Tubs
First of all, when you purchase a well-constructed hot tub, it will usually last for 18 years or longer. While the price will depend on several factors, such as the style and size, the range is usually between $5,550.00 to $15,000.00.
When you keep your hot tub well-insulated, it should just cost $20.00 to $30.00 to operate every month. It’s important to note that this is regardless of the size of your hot tub, as even large hot tubs will only cost this much to operate when they’re well-insulated.
The Health Benefits Associated with Spas, Saunas, and Hot Tubs
Since you’re planning to purchase a spa, hot tub, or sauna, chances are you’re aware of the health benefits associated with them. In addition to being able to relax in order to alleviate stress and sore muscles, there are other mental and physical health benefits.
The New England Journal of Medicine, for example, published several recent studies on the benefits associated with soaking in hot water for people with Type 2 Diabetes. The results showed that when these individuals soaked in hot water 6 days a week for 30 minutes a session, they were able to control their plasma sugar levels and weight more easily.
A 20-year study was conducted with men in Finland. The results of this study suggested that frequent sauna baths may have a positive effect on longevity.
A Few Spa Maintenance Tips
When you’re interested in learning spa maintenance tips, it’s important to consider the recommendations made by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). In brief, the CPSC states that spa and hot tub water temperatures shouldn’t exceed 104 degrees Fahrenheit.
In order to maintain a spa or hot tub’s water quality, ozone, rather than chlorine, may be a better choice. It’s been shown that ozone is 3,000 time more effective when it comes to breaking down contaminants. Furthermore, when using ozone, it will maintain the water’s cleanliness without the by-product waste associated with other water-purifying agents.
If you want to reduce your hot tub heating costs, then you’ll want to purchase a cover. The cost of heating a hot tub can be reduced as much as 75% when a cover is used. This is even the case when a small R-value cover because the water is not left exposed to the elements.
When you purchase your spa or hot tub, you will be able to learn more about these and other spa maintenance tips. Even though spending time in a spa or hot tub is an enjoyable leisure activity, it’s nice to know that there are also health benefits to this as well.
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It was an invitation that you could not pass up.
When you ended up giving your college daughter’s gymnastics coach a ride from the airport to your home and then to the camp where she needed to be nearly 150 miles away, the coach was more than grateful. Her original flight had been cancelled and she really was in a bind with very few options. You were actually excited about the two and a half hour drive the two of you would have and you knew that it would be both fun and insightful. An inside view of what the coach had to say about your daughter, both as an athlete and a student. To show her appreciation for the rides, the coach offered to have you and your family out to her lake house. The coach said that her husband was really excited to have someone see the new pontoon boat, as well as the underwater LED dock lights that he had installed.
Given that the invitation also included a low country shrimp boil, your husband is really excited. Between the pontoon boat, the underwater LED dock lights, and the cajun food offering, this was an offer that everyone in the family is excited about.
How Inviting Is Your Outdoor Lake Space?
Lakes, boats, and summer are meant to go together. If you have not, however, found the best way to illuminate your outdoor entertainment center you might not be enjoying it as much as you could. Whether you select blue underwater LED lights or green underwater LED lights, for instance, you can transform your boat dock into an outdoor oasis. Even as the weather cools and you are not using your boat as much, the outdoor illumination can still serve as a beautiful focal point when you are inside..
Consider some of these facts and figures about the recreational boating industry in America:
- 12.7 million U.S. households own a boat.
- 11.87 million recreational boating vessels were registered in the U.S. in the year 2015.
- 87 million U.S. adults participate in recreational boating.
- Unfortunately, in the year 2015, there were 4,158 recreational boating accidents in America. Dock and boat lights, however, can help prevent these types of incidents.
- The brightness of the light, color of the light, and clarity of the water can all determine how far out underwater lights will shine. Working with a professional installation company, however, can help you make the most of your lighting investment.
- Spending just 15 minutes in view of water can lead to a significant reduction in a person?s stress and can increase cognitive function throughout the rest of the day, according to marine biologist Wallace J. Nichols.
Before you invite the guests over for your next lake and boating event, make sure that you prepare by installing the latest underwater LED dock lights.
Helpful info also found here.
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According to reports by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), safety equipment for law enforcement agents and other public safety professionals is an important element in police safety . The reports also indicate that, in the past three decades, ballistic body armor vests have protected the lives of more than 3,000 police officers. For this reason, body armor is regarded as the most critical safety equipment in the line of duty.
There are different kinds of threats that police agents are exposed to,
but also, there are a number of tactical body armor that fit their roles perfectly. Depending on specific duty calls a police officer is tasked with, threats can vary based on the type of weapon common in that area. For instance, you will normally find a patrol officer wearing a ballistic body armor such as a bullet proof vest. This is because the kind of threat in that line of work often involves guns and ammunitions. On the other hand, prison guards are exposed to threats from weapons such as needles, screwdrivers, broken glass and knives, and that’s why they wear stab-resistant vests.
Although both patrol and correctional officers are exposed to different threat levels, it’s important that they consider multi-threat body armor that can protect them against different kind of threats. So, when thinking of investing on tactical body armor, there are obvious factors you need to look at. However, before you start on pricing and quotations, it’s very crucial to understand the different levels of body armor.
There are 6 levels and with this layering system, you’ll be able to make an informed decision on the best tactical gear body armor for you. As the level advances, protection level, complexity, weight and bulkiness increase. With level I offering limited protection and higher protection is attained at level VII.
Level I
In this level, tactical body armor is worn next-to-skin and it’s designed with a dry fabric that absorbs moisture. The material making this body gear is lightweight and often it consists of a top, either long-sleeve or crew-neck t-shirt, and pants. However, the minimal weight level I armor is a sacrifice to maximum protection and it’s not suitable where threat levels are high.
Level IIA
Level IIa body armors are mainly worn covertly and have most of the features in level I tactical body armor. They are made from a silk weight power dry material that controls skin moisture. In addition, they are inserted with panels for perfect fit and maximum flexibility. This level of body armor is ideal for full-time as they are more comfortable than the level I police gear. On top of that, they also offer protection from small arms ammunitions.
Level II
While level II body armor protects against the same threat in level IIa, it’s uniquely designed to offer more protection against high-velocity ammunition. The armor features an insulative mid-layer jacket with good breathability. Typically, they are heavier than the other two levels due to additional insulative layer that makes it ideal for extreme cold. In mild temperatures, level II body armor can be worn overtly on top of other tactical gear.
Level IIIA
If you are looking for protection against most handguns threats, level IIIa provides that and much more. This concealable body armor is made from a microfiber that is breathable while it also repels water. Ideal for routine wear, this body armor is also designed to be worn next-to-skin. However, it has added weight and bulkiness as compared to other levels of protection.
Level III
Of all the levels above, this is the only body armor that is made using a hard plate with soft shell fabric for maximum protection strong ammunitions. The fiber which makes the soft armor is both windproof and stretchable. In addition, it has a strong capacity to absorb impacts caused by rifle rounds and reduce the chance of injury to the wearer.
Level IV
Just like level III, level IV is a strong tactical body armor that protects the wearer from all level I through level threats. Currently, this is the most commonly used body armor but due to the heavy ceramic material that makes it, it’s not ideal for routine duties.
With this knowledge at your disposal, you are now informed to pick the right piece of equipment.
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As we are currently in the middle of summer, snow and ice are probably one of the last things on your mind. However, if you live in a part of the country where summer seems to fly by, you may already be dreading the upcoming cold season. Planning right now for your favorite winter activities can help ease the cold season dread. The following activities are perfect for the long, winter months.
Sledding and skiing
There is nothing quite like the adrenaline of sledding or skiing down a large hill. However, unless you live nearby a ski lodge, it can be difficult to find a good area. With snow and ice covered roads, driving far may not be an option. The summer months are the perfect time to prepare your own yard for these exciting activities. You can create a sledding hill in your own backyard with a little gravel and dirt. If you have a particularly larger yard, you might even be able to create a small skiing slope. The project will give you something to do during the sunny hours of the day and will prepare you for the long days of winter.
Ice skating
One of the best parts of summer is the ability to bike, skateboard, and roller blade. None of these activities are possible with snow and ice on the ground. What is the next best thing? Ice skating, of course. Ice skating is actually a very common winter activity. In 2014, the number of participants (aged six years and older) in ice skating amounted to approximately 10.65 million. Building a backyard ice rink will allow you to practice your ice skating skill during the long and boring winter months. You can learn how to build a backyard ice rink on the internt.
As you learn how to build a backyard ice rink, you will want to begin gathering the needed materials. You will need a rink area with a durable ice rink liner, something to border it off from the rest of the yard, and possibly, a covered area. Your home ice rink can be as big or as small as you want it to be. When you learn how to build a backyard ice rink, simply customize the sizes to meet your available size. Your back yard ice rink might even make you wish that winter was sooner.
Sitting by the fire
Your entire winter does have to be spent outdoors. One of the best parts of winter activities is returning to the warmth of a fireside. You can install an indoor fireplace or build an outdoor fire pit within an enclosed heated area. Also, consider putting your outdoor fireplace next to your new homemade ice rink. After you learn how to build a backyard ice rink, the outdoor fire pit will be the perfect addition for entertaining. With 65% of youth sport participants saying that they participate in sports to be with friends, an ice rink is a great way to encourage additional socialness during the winter months.
Watching sports
Watching sports is a great way to continue involvement in sports during the winter months. Additionally, it can be very exciting to practice your own ice skating or hockey skills and then head inside to warm up in front of a favorite team. Equip your home theater room with a large screen TV, comfortable seating, and warm and cozy blankets. Your guests will appreciate the warmth after spending their time outdoors in the cold.
It is hard to think about winter right now. However, it will be here before we even know it. We can turn our winter blues and dread into winter excitement with the right cold weather activities. Learning how to build a backyard ice rink gives you the perfect outdoor activity to get through the winter months. The United States currently has 1,900 indoor hockey rinks and 500 outdoor ice hockey rinks. Although it may be hard to find one locally, you can just build your own.
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Research finds that about 171,500 brand new powerboats were purchased in 2014. The 2014 numbers marked a 6.4 percent increase in sales versus the previous year. The popularity of boating looks like it will only rise as the years continue. One of the most important electronics on any boat is the navigation system. A GPS device keeps you safe and always aware of your surroundings. In this post, you will learn five things to look for when looking for a yacht GPS device.
In closing, there are many aspects to consider when choosing a GPS device. Yacht engineering services can easily install. Research shows that annual sales of new boating equipment were at $16.4 billion for the year 2014. Yacht engineering services continue to find ways to make yachts run smoother. Finding a GPS device with a large screen is great for accurately seeing location information. Seeing nearby land maps is great for knowing when and where to dock. The inclusion of a radio system on a GPS device is great for playing music for you and your guests. Finally, a fully waterproof GPS system is perfect for protecting your navigational investment.
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In the United States, there are an estimated 10.6 million swimming pools. Inground swimming pools make up about 50.6% of all the pools across the country. If you are looking at a swimming pool construction job to be done, you may be concerned about how you will take care of your custom pool after it has been completed. Here are the things you can do to make sure your pool stays looking great.
- Do not shy away from skimming. These are two things you will need to get into the habit of doing when you have a pool. It is very important to do what you can to get the leaves and whatever else that falls into your pool out of it. For the best results, you should do this every day. Some people spring for robot vacuum cleaners that can take care of the bottom of the pool.
- Take some time to scrub your pool. In addition to taking care of the things that fall into your pool, you need to think about the organisms that grow on the walls of your pool. No matter what the result of your pool construction is, you need to get rid of algae that will grow on the pool walls. This does not need to be done every day. Most pool owners will do this once every two weeks or so. Pay attention to your pool and you may be able to go longer between scrubbings or you may have to do it more often.
- Get yourself some tennis balls. If you take tennis balls and throw them into your pool, you can get rid of the oils that get into the water of your pool. When people jump in, the moisturizers, creams and lotions that they put on their skin will wind up in the water of your pool. Typically, these float to the top and create a film on the surface of the water in your pool. Tennis balls are great at absorbing these oils. Throw a few in, let them float around a bit and then skim them out. You will see a difference in the look of your pool.
- Take care of your pool’s filters. One of the most important parts of the pool construction process is the installation of your pool’s filters. These are incredibly important for the health and look of your pool. Some experts compare the filters in a pool to the kidneys in a person. They are there to remove everything from dirt and leaves to small objects, such as toys, from the water in the pool. At least once a week, you should take a few minutes to check the filter basket. As you have your pool, you may find it needs to be checked more or less frequently. This all depends on how much you and your family use your pool. You should have a timer for your filters and set them to run for about six hours every day.
- Do not neglect the filter’s pipe system. This needs to be cleaned about once a month. Your filter should have a backwash setting. Use that to clean out the pipes.
- Watch the level of water in your pool. Different pool designs have different water levels that are optimal so there is not a set amount of water that needs to be in the pool. During hot days, you will lose some water from your pool to evaporation. Likewise, after a strong rain storm, you will have water added to your pool. If you watch, the water level needs to come up to the half way point on your skimmer. Too much water can be reduced by using a pump or hiring a pool construction expert.
- Keep an eye on the chemical levels. You need to take some time every week to check these in your pool. This is a very easy thing to do. You may be able to get kits to test from the pool construction company or the local pool store.
Everyone loves going to swimming pools. In the summer, your backyard can be the hit of the neighborhood when you have one. Follow these tips and you will keep yours looking great.
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Have you ever had the experience of swimming in deep waters and breathing underwater? If this has ever interested you, then you should perhaps enroll into scuba training sessions and get to explore the marine life like a fish. To do this, you’ll need the help of Professional Association of Diving Instructors to get your scuba diving certification. As of 2013, statistics shows that there were an estimated 6 million active scuba divers. This number is ever rising with many people developing an interest in the underworld. However, getting a scuba diving certificate is a process that involves months of training, discipline, and commitment. Often, there are concerns about how scuba training. Most people don’t understand how this training is conducted. As a result, the following discussion is aimed at informing individuals who have the passion for diving.
How To Scuba Dive
This is one of the most asked questions, but before you jump right into diving and whatever, you need to undergo the three phases involved in scuba certification, which are knowledge development, confined water dives and open water dives.
Knowledge development: This is the first phase of scuba training and certification. It’s in this first phase of your scuba classes that you’ll learn the fundamental principles of scuba diving, which include steps to take when planning dives, choosing the right diving gear, and diving procedures and signals. To learn all that, you’ll have access to PADI open water diver manual that will guide you through scuba diving course and in case you have a problem, you have a PADI instructor. In addition to the diver’s manual, your facilitator will take you through video sessions where you’ll preview scuba skills.
Confined Water Dives: This is a very crucial phase of scuba diving as it involves everything you’ll learn about diving. 80% of all diving related problems occur on the head and neck, which is normally associated with auditory system among recreational divers. At this stage, you will learn scuba skills and the proper use of your scuba gear. Usually, the classes will involve diving in a confined water like a pool. Apart from the basic diving skills, you’ll also learn how to prepare your scuba gear, buoyancy control, removing water out of your mask, underwater control and navigation and safety procedures. All these will be taught with the supervision of an instructor until you can execute them without any challenges. Now, with this phase complete, you can comfortably move to an open water dive site.
Open Water Dives: This being the last phase of scuba training, it basically act as a polishing session to master your underwater skills. Here, your instructor will accomplish four dives for about two days where the underworld is brought to life. From the skills you acquired in confined water, you’ll apply them in this phase while you enjoy the beautiful and dazzling view of underwater.
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When the summer months come around, so many people begin to prepare themselves for all kinds of outdoor activities. In this great nation of ours, there are thousands of camping sites, thousands of places to fish, thousands of trails to hike, and thousands of new places to explore that you have never seen before.
When the summer comes around, or any time of year in many places, outdoor activities take us to places where we can decompress and get back to nature. From land to water to mountaintop, your imagination and your gear will bring you adventures of the most fantastic kind. As far as your imagination goes, well, that is going to be up to you. As far as your gear goes, though, you can find virtually anything your imagination will require. It could be rods and reels you need or maybe one of your favorite coolers for sale.
For outdoor adventures, there are many things you might need, right off the bat. To start with, you will need the kinds of clothes and particularly shoes that will keep you comfortable and safe during your adventure. You will need tents and camping gear if you will be camping. You might also need fishing gear and accessories if you will do any type of fishing. There are so many people who take to fishing to relax and have a bit of their sanity restored.
There are many types of fishing and a growing number of ways to get it done. Recently, many anglers have turned to kayaks for fishing and are finding kayak fishing to be equally challenging and fun. But just like any other style of fishing, anglers need their gear and supplies. The best in fishing kayaks still need accessories like fishing coolers for your drinks and snacks and places to store your rods, reels, and lures.
In the United States alone there are just under 50 million fishermen and anglers going after their favorite type of catch. Of that group, just under 11 million of them are America’s youth. When you are loading up for the season, you will see coolers for sale, kayaks to obtain, and travel maps to places where you can use all of your equipment. Why not get started with your planning early?
In 2015, there were just under 46 million Americans who took at least one fishing trip. Fishing today is not what it once was. If you still think of Huckleberry Finn with his straw hat dipping a pole with a string, hook, and worm on it into the lake and waiting around for a bite, when you think of fishing, you are in for quite a surprise.
The coolers for sale that are part of the fishing must-haves, for example, are the kinds that can stand to travel and are made to keep things cold but are also made to be a part of the fishing experience. Paddleboard fishing brings the coolers right up onto the paddleboard. Take it wherever you go.
Fly fishing is a type of fishing that differs from lure fishing not just in name but in the process and execution as a whole. Stocking up on gear for fly fishing could be as simple as loading your fly box with the types of flies you might be needing for the season or grabbing one of the coolers for sale that you see in the outdoor supply shop. The key is to know where you are going and what type of fish you are trying to go after. When you are prepared, you have a much better time in the end.
What makes traveling and spending time in the outdoors so special is the fact that there is so much to do. There are so many different ways to spend your mornings, noons, and nights. When you have a destination or an event in mind, the sooner you begin preparing for it, the better off you will be. You will have a good sense of what to expect when you arrive at your destination or when you begin your desired activity.
Enjoy the outdoors whenever you can, in the summer, fall, winter, and spring. They are our greatest gift.
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Are you looking for ways to get fit while enjoying the great outdoors? You should consider looking into wilderness adventure tours or backpacking. The United States is home to some of the most beautiful landscapes the world over, offering you everything from bountiful forests to sweeping canyons to winding rivers. Some of the best family summer vacation ideas revolve around wilderness adventure tours and backpacking travel, though they are by no means the only options at your disposal for a good and invigorating time. Let’s take a look at family vacation ideas on a budget and help you get started.
How Popular Is Backpacking?
The United States boasts a wealth of natural environments and national parks. As you can imagine, wilderness travel is a pretty popular hobby for many! The year 2008 saw the number of people who went hiking or backpacking within the last 12 months amounting to nearly 30 million. Flash forward another few years to 2014 and this number has increased to 40 million.
What Are Fun Outdoor Activities?
What makes wilderness adventure tours so much fun? It’s all in the environment. Family vacations often default to camping in America for the sheer variety of activities that can be done — these include fishing, hiking, backpacking, boating, swimming, fishing and much, much more. Camping, in particular, is one of the most popular outdoor activities in the country, be it through a tent or a campground. The year 2013 saw the revenue of campgrounds and RV parks estimated at $5 billion.
What If I Want To Lose Weight?
Interested in shedding a few pounds while enjoying yourself? Never fear. Common estimates state only 20% of American adults actually meet public health recommendations, which is exercising five times per week for at least 30 minutes — even briskly walking is a fantastic way of bolstering your physical health and reducing common health conditions like high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke and diabetes. The number of calories required for hikers to maintain their body weight during a typical backpacking day is around 5,500.
What Are Popular Destinations?
While you have plenty of options to choose from, some have proven more popular than others over the years. The National Parks System (which includes both monuments and historic sites) drew a stunning 273 million visitors back in 2013, with the top most visited site being the Golden Gate recreational area in San Francisco. When it comes to parks, the top five most frequently visited were Olympic, Yellowstone, Yosemite, Grand Canyon and Great Smoky Mountain — the latter drew nearly 10 million visitors alone. The Old Faithful geyser at Yellowstone is one of its most beloved attractions, primarily because it erupts regularly and gives visitors fantastic photo opportunities.
Where Do I Start?
If you’re interested in staying healthy and offering your friends and family a good time over the summer or spring months, choosing wilderness adventure tours is the way to go. You’ll have enough camping activities to satisfy everyone on board, not to mention a host of different camping ideas to choose from — RV’s have proven popular for those that like to move around a bit, though classic camping or campgrounds can do the trick for those that want to be closer to the great outdoors. Even better? The sky’s the limit for the National Park that’ll turn your vacation into one to remember.
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Getting kids involved in sports is a great way to teach them so many things that they’ll use out in the real world. It doesn’t matter if they are on a youth cheer pom poms team or playing basketball or doing gymnastics, something about these team activities that require the children to be active and engaged really preps them for things they’ll have to face later on. Here are some ways that kids benefit from sports be it cheerleading, football or golf.
They’ll learn how to properly deal with difficult people.
In youth cheer pom poms teams and swimming teams alike, the kids are going to encounter coaches and teammates that are hard to get along with. This could be due to arrogance, it could be pride, it could be insecurities- whatever the reason, these people exist. And they don’t just stop being difficult in high school. They go on to the work place. They could be your kids’ future neighbors or in laws. Learning to get along with their teammates for the greater good of meeting their goal will give your kids the ability to see past the negative behavior and be able to still work with these kinds of people and even eventually get along with them. They won’t be shocked by the lack of team spirit in the work place because they know the types of people that weaken it from doing sports.
They’ll learn how to continue working under pressure.
If you are the captain of the youth cheer pom poms team or the quarterback of the football team, then you will have to learn how to stay calm during stressful situations. You have to be able to make snap decisions and choices under pressure and time limits. This is not all that different from the work force. Especially if your child gets into a high powered firm or company, they are going to be under a lot of pressure due to the nature of the work and competition. They will have learned how to stay calm in the midst of the storm when playing sports.
They’ll learn how to handle a disappointment.
Losing games is hard for the kids. But, in reality, that’s just what happens sometimes and it’s not even necessarily anything that they could have done differently. Or perhaps your kids were at a youth cheer pom poms competition and didn’t even place. It happens, unfortunately. But, as they grow up, there are still going to be disappointments. They might not get the promotion they wanted, or the offer that they put on a house falls through. Whatever the setback is, they will have learned how to properly process these kinds of things by losing games or not winning competitions.
They’ll learn how to stick it out when the going gets tough.
In sports, the kids are encouraged to work towards a final goal even when it seems like they won’t ever be able to make it. They are taught to hold on to hope and always keep in mind that things can change on a dime. There’s no need to explain how that will help them as they get older! No one can live without hope. Hope for a brighter future, hope for a bigger house, hope for a pay raise; the persistence that is learned during the tough times is what births hope and vision for the future.
As the parents, it’s difficult to watch your kids be so severely disappointed by something or to go through setbacks or have to make difficult decisions. However, keep in mind that this is not just going to help them grow stronger for and as a team, it’s going to help to shape them because the person that they need to be as an adult. Being able to deal with the hard parts of life is what determines the strength of a person whether they are a kid or an adult. So let your kids shake their cheer poms and do back flips off the cough and bounce a basketball in the house or tackle one another; it’s all part of the process that gets them into sports which gets them into the real world with a positive mental attitude.
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