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People love the outdoors, as evidenced by the fact that they spend nearly $2 billion on camping equipment every year. Most people like to enjoy the outdoors with friends and family. While many people just like to camp and hike when they go on outdoors trips, others enjoy sporting activities such as fishing and hunting.
Hunting gear can include guns, ammunition, safety items such as a colored vest and numerous other items. When shopping for guns, you can go to gun shops or outdoors or sporting goods stores that sell guns in addition to other items. Many people who hunt own more than one gun, and they spend an average of more than $1,600 a year on the sport.
For those who want to get into hunting for the first time, there are some things to consider. Shopping for guns is not like buying other outdoors gear. Depending on what you are buying, you may have to go through a background check and you may also be required to take a safety course.
If you want to hunt but aren’t sure about firing a gun, you can try archery. Archery is a little safer for beginners, although it’s not necessarily cheaper. A good bow can cost as much as or more than a rifle or shotgun. Supplies, such as arrows and archery targets for practice can also be quite expensive.
If your outdoor pursuits don’t involve shooting at animals, there are plenty of other activities you can be involved in. Many people enjoy fishing, and it is a much cheaper outdoor activity than hunting. If you don’t want anything to do with trying to catch animals, there are other activities such as rock climbing, paddle boarding, scuba diving and biking. There are also things such as adventure running for people who are a little more, well, adventurous.
There also is just good old camping. Many people simply enjoy spending a night or the weekend out in the wilderness. People who enjoy camping tend to do it often, with an average of five camping trips a year. It’s also an activity that they tend to do with family and friends.
Whatever outdoor activities you choose to do, make sure you prepare by buying the right gear.
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Think about the scientific things we learned in school. During our high school years, we probably learned anatomy, chemistry and biology. We explored the parts of the human, the making of the plant and the levels of the Earth. We watched videos, read science books and looked at images of different parts of our world. We were able to look at the different layers of these parts, including the tiny organisms of the human body. We were able to see specific make ups of many of the plants that we see every day. You, like thousands of other students, probably never wondered how we were able to get images so small. Or, maybe you did. Scientists and researchers are often the people who wonder about the smaller parts of our world, and are the people who want to see smaller and want to capture things faster. Fortunately, along with the many advances of science and research, cameras have also advanced, allowing scientists and researchers to capture closer and faster images of the smaller parts of everything.
Regular cameras and videos cannot capture the things that are important to today?s scientists and researchers. They are not advanced enough and the shutter speeds and lighting are simply not enough. While regular photography taken in sunlight might work with shutter speeds that are 1 and 125th of a second, shutter speeds for high speed photography are much faster, as fast as 1 and 8000th of a second. This allows researchers to have the ability to capture things that are faster than what the human eye is able to process. The slow motion camera also allows the researcher to capture this speed and image, allowing them to teach others what they have just seen.
High speed photography has been an important part of many scientific areas of research. The slow motion camera has allowed researchers to study things that they never imagined. High speed photography has been a major tool in the development of biomechanics research methods, a standard moving camera records images at a rate of 18 frames per second, while specialized cameras can operate thousands of frames per second, essentially lowering down the motion to the point where it can be analyzed in great detail. These researchers are able to take these standard videos and look at every single aspect of the video. The amount of information that they are able to gather from the slow motion camera is unimaginable.
A great way to capture the importance and the advanced technology of the slow motion camera is to compare it to the type of camera that is used for motion pictures. Motion pictures taken at several thousand pictures per second are usually sufficient for analysis and observation of most motions encountered in industrial and production. For example, when a motion picture taken at 3000 frames per second is viewed at about standard projection speed (16 frames per second), the recorded action will be viewed at approximately 1 of 200 of its actual speed. In other words, the phantom miro camera is similar to a high speed camera in that it provides thousands of images to be viewed and researched.
The high frame rate camera is used in a variety of scientific research projects. The uses are continuing to advance, allowing it to be used for more and more research purposes. One of the most notable purposes is that of vision research. Scientists and researchers are able to closely study the human eye, with the human eye. They are able to see all of the small details of the working of the eye. This is only the beginning of the information that it will provide.
Technological and scientific advancements continue to make research better and better in many fields of science. The equipment that is now available allows these researchers to gain better and closer images of things that cannot be seen with the human eye. These slow motion and high frame cameras can be used in multiple purposes, but will continue to advance the research that we gain from the human body, the plants in our environment and the worlds that we live in.
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Americans enthusiasm for camping has been growing by leaps and bounds. In 2012 alone, 3 million more Americans went camping than had in 2010. For 84% of campers, camping is only one of the outdoor activities they enjoy. If you’re interested in incorporating more adventure into your camping trips, we’ve got the list for you. What follows are tips on how to turn a been-there-done-that camping trip into a whole new adventure and the sort of adventure gear you’d need to make it happen.
Camp in the woods and bring:
- Hunting gear
For those hunters among us, nothing can raise the adventure level of a camping trip like incorporating hunting into it. Americans will spend a combined 228 days hunting each year. Imagine how many days you could spend if you brought camping equipment along and spent the night in the woods? Gun shops can equip you with the necessary adventure gear to carry your guns and ammunition along with your backpacking gear. - Archery equipment
Even if you aren’t an avid hunter, bringing archery gear on your camping trip could make for great afternoon entertainment. Plus, firing a bow is a great exercise for muscle development. Archery uses almost all of the muscles in the upper body from shoulders, chest, to back. If you are a hunter, of course, and really want to up the ante on your camping and hunting trip, you could skip the gun and go bowhunting instead. Stop by an archery shop before your trip for help finding the right archery equipment for beginners. There’s target archery, traditional archery, and field archery for those not interested in live targets. Depending on the type of archery you’re interested in, you may need a modern recursive bow, a traditional longbow, or a compound bow.
Camp by water and bring:
Tired of trekking across land with a giant pack on your back but not interested in camping in one spot, either? Make your camping trip mobile by planning it along a river. You can purchase or rent a kayak and paddle from camping spot to camping spot. Kayaking will also amp up the exercise factor on your trip: According to the American Council on Exercise, a 125-pound person will burn around 283 calories per hour when kayaking.
To mix your camping trip up a bit, find a place you can scuba dive while away. Essential scuba adventure gear includes: a mask, a scuba regulator and tank or snorkel, depending on the depths you want to go to, fins to help you swim, and a wet suit.
Fishing and camping are a match made in Heaven. Stop by your local fishing shop to find the best pole, line, and bait for the fish that’ll be at your destination. If you’re lucky, you may be able to catch enough to feed the whole gang – – just remember to add fish cooking and cleaning equipment to your adventure gear packing checklist.
Everywhere adventure gear:
Regardless of where you end up camping, don’t forget these two often overlooked pieces of adventure gear:
- Night lights
One of the best aspects of sleeping away from civilization is getting a whole new view of the stars. When not star gazing, however, an unlit campsite can be a dark, dark place. To rectify this, plan to bring battery-powered lights. The most popular camping supplies purchased last year were battery lighting. Beyond single LED headlamps, adding a lantern or two around the campsite, kitchen, and tent area can create a more inviting – – not to mention safer to navigate – – campsite. - A comfortable pillow
It’s not the most adventurous or adventure gear, but a comfy pillow can make all the difference in extended outdoor adventures. You can purchase compression sacks to compress your pillow for daytime carrying or find pillow-shaped sacks that can serve a dual purpose as a place for extra clothes. Some sleeping backs use a fleece-lined stuff sack that can be turned inside out to become a fuzzy pillow. Then there are the inflatable air pillows you can blow up each night. Whatever option you choose, be sure to test your pillow along with your other camping gear before setting out.
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Having the chance to take a deep sea fishing trip is an opportunity that no fish enthusiast should pass up. By definition, fishing excursions in waters that are at least 100 feet deep are considered deep sea fishing. As you can guess, most commercial fisheries are conducted on deep sea fishing vessels, but there are also deep sea fishing tours that private sports fishing enthusiasts can participate in. If you are on the fence about whether or not to take the plunge into this fun excursion, or if you are new to the concept of deep sea sport fishing, here are a few reasons every serious fisherman needs to make a trip:
- You’re not a legitimate fisherman (or fisherwoman) until you have an awesome catch story. While deep sea fishing, you have the opportunity to catch fish that are much larger than you can from land. Imagine catching a fish so large that images and videos of it go viral across the internet. Guess what? That only happens when you are deep sea fishing. Give yourself the gift of a deep sea fishing tour for the sake of the stories you can tell your kids. And your kid’s kids.
- The sense of accomplishment. Taking a deep sea fishing trip creates an incredible adventure, and gives you the chance to catch some really big — and interesting — game. Want to catch a shark? That’s a deep sea fishing kind of catch. Crossing “go deep sea fishing” off of your bucket list gives you such a great sense of accomplishment and truly makes you an experienced fisherman. Once you’ve experienced this broad range of fishing outings, you’re qualified to issue fishing advice out to novice fishers, whether they ask for it or not.
- Improve your home decor. So many young people are running to Target and IKEA to decorate their homes these days. And their homes all look the same: like an underground bunker. If you want to add some real pizzazz to your interior design, you need a giant Marlin or Tuna that you caught yourself mounted on your mantle. That’s a unique piece that you just won’t find that at one of those big box stores, and your neighbors definitely won’t have anything like it. Not to mention, what a great conversation piece it is, when you have company you struggle to avoid awkward silences with.
- Make memories that last a lifetime. Picture yourself pulling in a huge fish as the sun sets (or rises) on the expansive water, and laughing with the people you love most. Taking an awesome deep sea fishing charter with your family and friends gives you the chance to build memories you all will cherish for a lifetime.
- Lower your blood pressure. You have a lot of responsibilities to juggle, and a lot of stress in your life. All of the stress you carry has a negative impact on your health. Your blood pressure is probably accelerating by the minute. If this describes you, taking a relaxing deep sea fishing trip might be just what the doctor orders. While you are relaxing on the deck of a large vessel, with the gentle rocking of the water around you to sooth your nerves, it is hard to have any cares in the world. Getting yourself away from the constant grind and recharging on a deep sea fishing trip might be exactly what you need to reset your stress levels and lower your blood pressure.
- Enjoy fresh cuisine. If you are a big seafood buff, you probably know how the flavor degrades and gets “fishier” the longer the fish has to travel to reach your plate. When you import the wild fish you eat, there is a minimum of several hours, to several days, from the time it is caught until it reaches your frying pan. On the other hand, when you catch your Mackerel or Snapper yourself, no time has to pass before it is served on your dinner table. There’s no such thing as fresher seafood than fish you catch yourself on a deep sea fishing trip.
Have you ever been deep sea fishing? Share your experience with us below!
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Did you know that 77% of Americans agree that outdoor recreation is an important part of their lives? If you?d agree with this statement, then you should consider your options for vacation year in light of where you can go to enjoy some real outdoor fun.
Ditch the plans to go to the amusement park where you?ll get an overpriced stuffed toy and have to wait in lines for half the day while listening to kids complain about how badly they want ice cream. Here are four great ideas for exploring the wilderness while you can.
The Appalachian Mountains
There are some people who spend months of their lives traveling the entire length of the Appalachian trail, a trail that follows this mountain range all the way from Maine to Georgia. If you don?t feel up to a 2,000 plus mile long hike, though, you can opt for just sections of the trail. There are numerous options for travelers and each state offers unique views, wildlife, and adventures. You can bring your tent and camp, or plan ahead and stop at cabins along the way.
Grand Canyon River Rafting
White water rafting has been becoming a more and more popular active activity for a number of adults, and it doesn?t get much better than rafting in the Grand Canyon. The Colorado River that flows through the canyon is long enough that you can choose from Grand Canyon river rafting in a number of states — Arizona, Colorado, or even Utah. It?s a good idea to sign up for Colorado rafting tours ahead of time since spots often fill up fast, and you?ll need time to prepare and plan for your journey. River raft trips are an adventure you will not forget.
Florida Swamps
Although many of us think of things like golfing, fishing and retirement when we think of Florida, it is actually a great place to get reaquainted with wildlife. The state has a number of state parks you can explore, and because of its tropical climate this state is home to a diverse array of species. There?s obviously the many alligators that are native to this area, but there are also many plant and small animal species that can be interesting to spot. Florida and its islands are often a popular location for bird watchers to vacation in, for example.
Western New York Vineyards
If you like nature but aren?t as much interested in walking and hiking, you might want to go on a tour of Western New York, which, while it has several populated cities, is more compromised by beautiful rolling hills and landscapes. Opt for a wine tour here and get some great photos of the natural outdoors.
Are you willing to go on a wine tour, venture through the swamps, go Grand Canyon river rafting, or trek through the Appalachians? Let us know in the comments.
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The Grand Canyon has been one of the most popular destinations on Earth for hundreds of years. It’s easy to see why — arguably one of the most aesthetically pleasing locations on Earth, it also plays host to some of the most historic sites our great nation has to offer. People have been going there for years to do research, to study, for sightseeing, for vacation, you name it.
Over the years, Grand Canyon White Water rafting trips have become one of the area’s most popular and enduring activities. Taking visitors on a thrilling splashfest of a ride down the meandering Colorado river, it’s easy to see why this activity became so popular so fast. Just about any Grand Canyon travel package is built to include some sort of option for white water rafting through the Grand Canyon.
Rafting through the Grand Canyon is one of the most thrilling adventures an outdoorsman or a person who loves nature can embark on. There are lulls of peaceful rowing where you can take in the sights, breath in the brisk Canyon air, and enjoy the moments of calm and serenity and oneness with nature. But, you’d better get a good look while things are slow! These rafting tours can also get downright wild — kayaking down a bendy, twisting river flowing with turbulent waters. The current is so strong and so rough in parts of the river that the water is constantly crashing against rocks and bits of the shore, producing a never ending flurry of white spray from the river. This ceaseless splashing is what gives genesis to the name “white water rafting.”
If you’re considering going on one of these Grand Canyon white water rafting trips, truly, do not hesitate. A lot of vacationers express hesitation or even fear in experiencing this one-of-a-kind adventure. Around 28 percent of Americans report trying, or at least wanting to try, white water rafting. Don’t miss out and let yourself become one of the other 72 percent!
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If you are considering sending you child or children to a day camp, you are not alone. The number of day camps across the country has increased by almost 90% over the past few decades. These camps offer kids a great way to get much needed exercise, make new friends and the most of their summer breaks. If you want to find the best camp for your child’s needs, you should consider the following tips.
Ask for your friends and family. Getting recommendations from people you know is always a great way to find any kind of service. Your friends and family with children may be able to steer you in the right direction for a good (or bad) camp. Many camps have open houses where you can meet at least some of the staff and see how they interact with kids and each other.
What activities do your kids like to do? Some camps offer very specialized programs with a specific focus while others offer a wider array of activities and sports. Some provide academic programs to help kids who may need help with certain subjects such as math or reading. These can be really good for kids who do need some support academically and this prevents them from losing ground in that area over the summer. If your kids are younger, it is often better to find a camp that offers a variety of fun activities to keep them occupied and entertained.
Shop around. Ask a lot of questions about the staff, the scheduling and the fees. Like any other service some camps will give you one price that does not include fees they charge. Ask about their refund policy and what they charge for meals, add ons, materials, etc. If your child gets sick or something comes up, you may need to change your plans and need to know what costs you will incur if you remove them early. Some camps have financial assistance for some families so ask to see if you qualify for that.
Find the right location. Convenience is always a concern when you are looking for a place you will have to drive to every day but it should not be the main factor in picking a camp. If you find one that you and your child really likes, find out if anyone you know is sending their kids to the same place. You may be able to find someone with whom you can carpool or make another arrangement.
Not only do summer day camps provide a great chance to make new friends and get decent exercise, they are a fantastic way to get your kids away from their electronic devices. Most American kids spend nearly eight hours a day in front of one screen or another. Day camps help them lean how to interact with other kids in a much more real way.
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Most Americans (nearly 80%) enjoy the outdoors and nearly 30% either have tried white water rafting or want to. This is also a great way to get exercise. The average person will burn between 350 and 410 calories an hour rafting. If you are considering a fun adventure for your friends or family, river trips may fit that bill.
Tips for Your Whitewater Raft Adventure
Protect yourself from the sun. All water sports trips, and these include river trips, should include a plan for sun protection. Remember when you are on the water, the sun will reflect off the surface and you get a double whammy. Pack plenty of sunscreen and apply it often. Even if it is waterproof, one application will not be enough. Even if you do not normally burn or do not feel it is really hot, this will make a big difference in how you feel afterewards.
Be prepared to swim. You should have a personal flotation device and the goal is to stay inside the raft but you should know that swimming may not be in your plan but it can be required. If you are not a strong swimmer, or if you do not swim at all, make sure you tell your guide this before your trip begins. This will influence the advice they give you if you do fall in. Be careful about where you place your feet as they can get stuck under rocks along the river’s floor. Keep your balance with your paddle, it will make a difference.
Balance yourself. You have several ways to keep yourself balanced and braced in your raft. Keep your feet firmly planted in front of you, either in the foot hold or air tube. When you hit faster water, if you paddle harder, you will help keep yourself in the raft. Keep yourself on the outer side of your seat. This will give you a better position to paddle and again, help you stay in the raft.
Pay attention to instructions. You will need to work with (not against) the other people on your raft. That may sound simple but can get more complicated on the river. Listen for your guide’s instructions as they can help keep everyone paddling correctly. Sync your paddling with the other people in your boat to make the ride smooth for everyone.
River trips can be a really fun way to spend time with friends and family. They offer a great way to see the country. Rafting in the Grand Canyon is one of the best ways to view that natural wonder. Grand Canyon white water rafting trips are extremely popular for a reason, they are a lot of fun. It is important to follow instructions and prepare your group so that your trip is the best it can be.
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No matter how you look at it, skateboards are cool. If you want to pick up the sport, you are not alone. At least 11 million Americans say they skateboard often. There are about 500 skateboarding parks in the United States alone. Skateboarding is for everyone. Whether you are a girl or a boy, you can learn how to have fun on a skateboard.
5 Tips to Start Skateboarding
Get the right gear. You will fall off of your board at some point so you need to acknowledge that fact and prepare for it. Your best bet is to have all of the protective gear such as pads for your elbows, wrists, knees and head. A helmet is absolutely necessary to riding a skateboard. If you are starting this sport to impress a boy or a girl, nothing screams “I?m cool” less than a concussion.
Practice your balance first. Standing on a skateboard takes some getting used to. Take some time to get the hang of balancing on your board before you take it on concrete. Place it on something soft at first. This can be some carpet in your home or grass in your yard. It is perfectly fine to practice this in the privacy of your bedroom if you do not want people to see your first attempts at this.
Make small pushes at first. A little really does go a long way when you are on a skateboard. Your speed will come but you need to start somewhere. Think of this like you think about walking. Keep everything simple. Push off a little at first. Make the motion as similar to your walking gait as you can. That way you will learn to move forward without falling off of the board.
Brake with your back foot. The way you can slow down and stop is to press your back foot onto the ground. Basically, you drag your foot until you get to a totally stopped position. Practice this different ways until you are comfortable. The best thing is to start on a flat surface. Save the hills for later when you have practiced more.
Start slow. You will want to do tricks and the like, you know to impress that boy or girl you like so much, but you need to really master the basics of skating first. Get great at stopping, for example, and build up to stunts and tricks. Remember that all of the fancy moves on a skateboard rely heavily on the basics so you need to master them anyway.
Skateboarding is a lot of fun and can be a great way to workout. It is a great form of exercise for either a girl or a boy and can be a decent way to get around town. Skateboards are easy to take with you, do not require a lot to keep safe and do not have a gas tank so they are also a cheap way to get around.
You can customize your skateboard or buy one from a specialty store, almost 80% of all skateboarders buy from smaller stores. They can also create something really special for you to ride. Most of all, the important thing is to have fun while you are skateboarding. That is the point, right?
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There is nothing quite like the sight of the open river stretching before you, perfectly framed by a blue sky. Whether it is the brisk coldness of a bright winter’s morning or the stillness of the early cool of a summer’s day before the sun heats up the earth, a foray onto the river way offers a range of options for every adventurer. Hundreds of thousands of people venture to rivers for rafting trips, kayaking, or hours spent just sitting next to the banks soaking up the atmosphere.
As concerns about the amount of screen time the average American gets per day increases, the good news is that many are embracing the challenge, excitement and peace of outdoor recreation. Almost 80% of Americans view outdoor recreation of some kind as important in their lives and almost 30% participate in or have plans to participate in white water rafting as a recreational activity. Almost 12.5 million Americans took part in white water rafting activities is 2012.
Those who want an adventure of truly memorable scope might consider one of the many Grand Canyon rafting tours where you can combine the grandeur and beauty of that most famous of American natural landmarks with the excitement of a white water rafting tour. While the Grand Canyon is perhaps the most famous gorge in the world it is not a record breaker in that sense, offering neither the longest nor deepest gorge. On average it is about a mile deep and follows a path about 277 miles longs, winding through its famous twists and turns. An amazing Grand Canyon rafting trip down the Colorado River still offers amazing sights and an experience unlike any other.
As you move down the Colorado river be sure to look at the metamorphic rock around you, called schist, which is close to 2 billion years old and almost half as old as the Earth. Geologists believe that the river broke through the Grand Canyon about five million years ago. It’s entry point seems to have been the west end of the canyon. Of course river rafting is not the only way to enjoy the 10-mile wide — from rim to rim — canyon; a hike to cross it will take you on a 21-mile journey, while a drive is over 250 miles and takes at least five hours.
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